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Nominate a Colleague for a 2024 Region Leadership Award!

Posted 3 months ago

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Nominations are now being accepted from NYONL members, for region leadership awards.  See the information below and attached to recognize a deserving colleague!

New York Organization for Nursing Leadership

2024 Regional Excellence in Leadership Award


The New York Organization for Nursing Leadership wishes to recognize nurse leaders who demonstrate exemplary leadership within their institution, community and the nursing profession.  Each region will select one deserving leader each year.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. NYONL member for two or more consecutive years.
  2. Currently employed in healthcare in a leadership role or as faculty in a school of nursing. Leaders at all levels are eligible for nomination.

Nomination Guidelines

Nominators should submit a narrative that describes how the nominee:

  1. promotes and builds relationships;
  2. possesses and shares knowledge about the health care environment;
  3. exhibits leadership in a variety of settings and situations;
  4. exemplifies excellent communication skills, and personal and professional accountability;
  5. mentors the next generation of nurse leaders;
  6. promotes diversity and inclusion within their team or institution;
  7. participates in advocacy for the nursing profession and to improve the healthcare environment;
  8. possesses advanced financial, collaborative, strategic planning, and information technology skills.


  1. From the above list, choose at least three to address in the nomination;
  2. In narrative format, provide instances of how the nominee exhibits the characteristics;
  3. To fully illustrate the characteristic(s), you may consider writing a story of how you and/or your team have been favorably affected;

The example statements on pages 2-7 of the AONL Nurse Leader Core Competencies can serve as a guide in composing the narrative;

  1. The narrative is limited to 300 words. The link below is to a Survey Monkey form with a few questions – name, credentials, position, employer, region and the name of the nominator. It also includes space for the narrative. We suggest typing your narrative in a separate document then copying and pasting it into the nomination form.
  2. Click to submit your nomination.